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Posted: November 12, 2019

EKWA welcomes applications for Educational Awards

The East Kootenay Wildlife Association (EKWA) is currently accepting applications for the 2019 Educational Award.

Two separate awards of $1,051 are available. Students are eligible for one award each and cannot have received this award in the past.

Eligible students must have graduated high school in the East Kootenay and nearby (including Creston, Cranbrook, Jaffray, Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Kimberley, Invermere, Radium Hot Springs, Parson or Golden).

Students must have resided in an East Kootenay community for at least the last 12 months (even if the educational institution they were attending was outside the East Kootenay).

Eligible students must be currently enrolled or have been accepted into a post-secondary education program starting in 2019 which will lead to a career in fish and wildlife biology and/or natural resource conservation and law enforcement. Eligible programs include a diploma program (2 years) or a Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate-level degree program.

Application Criteria: 

Provide your name and contact information (mailing address and email).

Submit proof of having graduated high school from an East Kootenay community and submit proof that your permanent residence has been in an East Kootenay community for at least the last 12 months.

Also, provide a brief description of your employment or thesis research experience in the last request years and provide a brief experience of your volunteer activities in the last two years.

Finally, submit a 500 to a 1,000 word essay which describes: a current significant problem facing the conservation of fish, wildlife or habitat in British Columbia in 2019 (can include the marine environment /species as well). Answer why the problem should be a concern to British Columbians; what the potential solution(s) to the problem might be and how you can help other British Columbians take action and be part of a solution.

The application deadline is Dec 15 at midnight.

Submit Applications to [email protected] (request confirmation of email).

Over the last couple of years, the BC Conservation Officer Service has provided antlers no longer used for law enforcement purposes (pictured above) so they could be lawfully put to better use. In turn, the EKWA sold the antlers to a local horn buyer with all the proceeds from the antlers dedicated to creating educational awards for East Kootenay College or University students pursuing a career in fish and wildlife biology, natural resource conservation and law enforcement.

The EKWA thanks the BC Conservation Officer Service for entering into this arrangement, as well as local horn buyer entrepreneur Rick Stanyer who graciously provided the EKWA a premium price for the antlers as his way to help increase the value of the student educational awards. The EKWA believes that investing these funds in local students pursuing a career in conservation or law enforcement is a way to help honour wildlife from the region.

The East Kootenay Wildlife Association represents about 1,000 hunters and anglers from individual BC Wildlife Federation affiliated clubs throughout the East Kootenay. The EKWA represents these clubs on the Board of Directors for the BC Wildlife Federation which represents over 40,000 hunters, anglers and conservationists across the province.

East Kootenay Wildlife Association is dedicated to protecting wildlife habitat and working in a cooperative manner with government and tenure holders to find balanced solutions on how best to manage habitat and wildlife in the East Kootenay.


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