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Posted: October 27, 2022

FireSmart Neighbourhood Champions Workshop

The East Kootenay FireSmart Program will be holding an educational networking day for Neighbourhood Champions of the program on November 19.

“There are dozens of people across the regional district who have stepped up to lead their communities toward making their homes and properties more resilient to wildfire,” said Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Wildfire Resiliency Supervisor Terry Balan.

“We not only want to provide our Champions with further learning opportunities, but also the chance to network and learn more about the successes and challenges their fellow FireSmart leaders have encountered.”

The FireSmart Neighbourhood Champions Workshop will be happening at the Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort in Cranbrook on November 19 at 11 a.m.

There will be updates on the East Kootenay FireSmart Program, testimonials, break-out sessions, and a keynote speaker.

Those wanting to learn more about the FireSmart Neighbourhood Champions Program or about becoming a Champion themselves, can contact Balan at [email protected] or call 250-464- 5454.

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