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Five tips to manage wildlife attractants
You may have noticed that bear activity has been relatively quiet this year.
However, during the late summer and fall season, bears will be busy packing on the pounds to prepare for hibernation over winter. During this yearly cycle called “hyperphagia,” bears can take up to 20,000 calories in a single day.
Since bears will be looking for the highest calorie foods for the least amount of effort, we’d like to remind you to store your garbage inside or in a bear-resistant container until the morning of pickup. Please do not place garbage bins out the night before pick-up.
Other tips for managing attractants around your home include:
1) Keep barbecues clean and free of residual food and grease.
2) Feed pets indoors and store food inside.
3) Mix compost regularly or treat with lime to reduce odour.
4) Keep bird feeder area clean and tidy. Consider waiting to place outside until December 1st to help feed local birds over winter.
5) Pick any remaining fruit and share with friends and neighbours if you have too much to handle.
Please continue to do your part – we are all responsible as a community to ensure that we keep wildlife wild and our community safe. You can reach your local WildSafeBC Community Coordinator at 250-464-5436. Please report any sightings or conflicts with bears to the Conservation Officer Service’s RAPP line – 1-877-952-7277.
Check out this video of a black bear acting naturally in the wild, filmed by WildSafeBC, retrieved from Vimeo.com. The video consists of a black bear escapes the summer heat with a cool dip in a watering hole. He also takes the opportunity to readjust two of the three trails cams set up. Video taken by Frank Ritcey, Kamloops.
Submitted by WildSafeBC Community Coordinator, Danica Roussy.