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Home » Fort Steele seeks input for communications initiative

Posted: May 9, 2019

Fort Steele seeks input for communications initiative

Fort Steele Heritage Town is an historic settlement that attracts over 80,000 people to the region every year.

A living history museum, Fort Steele brings the past into the present with vibrant museum displays, summertime live theatre, horse-drawn wagon rides, historic trades demonstrations, and more. Its mandate is to preserve, present and manage the historic park for the public benefit.

Which is why they want to know what the public thinks.

Over the next few months, Fort Steele will be working to make sure its communications accurately reflect present and future aspirations. This includes seeking input from a variety of sources, including the public.

“For some, a trip to Fort Steele has become an important summer tradition. Whereas some people might know the name, but have never been,” said Kurt Swanson, President of Fort Steele Heritage Town Board of Directors. “It doesn’t matter how much or how little you know about Fort Steele, we want to hear from everyone. Every thought counts.”

As a place that aspires to conserve, educate and create incredible experiences for visitors, receiving input from the public is an essential part of this process. Over the next few months, Fort Steele aspires to learn more about the realities, perceptions and aspirations people have about the site. This information will guide future planning, and help to create a picture of what people already think or know about Fort Steele.

A simple survey has been set up for public input. Visit

Prefer pen and paper?

Hard copies of the survey are also available and can be picked up at Fort Steele Heritage Town.

Lead image: Fort Steele’s famous steam train #1077. e-KNOW file photos

Fort Steele Heritage Town

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