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Home » Future of BC Parks should be an all-party concern

Posted: September 16, 2024

Future of BC Parks should be an all-party concern

Letter to the Editor

This is an open letter to the leaders of the political parties looking to form the next government in British Columbia.

The Elders Council for Parks in British Columbia is a society of former senior government staff and dedicated individuals who were and remain involved in helping to establish British Columbia’s world class park system. Our parks are central to being a British Columbian; we are proud of our parks.

BC Parks are key to ensuring a healthy environment by protecting nature and providing recreational opportunities: contributing to healthy individuals, families and society as a whole. Provincial parks matter to the people of British Columbia, to our visitors, and to our planet. They are equally important in the battle against climate change – natural ecosystems are key to reducing carbon dioxide. Parks also contribute substantially to B.C.’s tourist economy.

The current state of BC Parks is unhealthy. Aging infrastructure is in a state of disrepair, and in some cases unsafe. There is a dire need for informed, participatory management planning for many parks that is long overdue.

The Elders Council believes the future of BC Parks should be part of every political party’s campaign platform, including:

  • All British Columbians must have the opportunity to have a say in the designation of new parks and protected areas and in their management. The BC Parks agency should play a major role in that engagement process.
  • The Park Act should be reformed to strengthen parks and protected areas.
  • The park budget should be significantly increased to provide increased maintenance, additional park opportunities and park management including research.
  • British Columbians should have priority when booking campsites.

These recommendations should be included in the mandate letter for the next government’s Minister responsible for parks in B.C. – we are happy to discuss them!

Wayne Stetski,  President,

and the Directors of the Elders Council for Parks in BC

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