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Home » Grant helps project look into poverty reduction in region

Posted: May 10, 2022

Grant helps project look into poverty reduction in region

The B.C. Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction today announced that a joint East Kootenay poverty reduction project will be receiving $73,800, part of nearly $150,000 in government funding for local poverty-reduction projects in the Kootenays.

The project is a partnership between the Regional District of East Kootenay and other local governments within the regional district, including Cranbrook, on a collaborative approach to reduce poverty in the region.

Projects proposed by the Central Kootenay Regional District and Nelson are also receiving grants.

These projects are from the third intake of the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ (UBCM) Poverty Reduction Planning and Action Program, which supports local government projects or plans to reduce poverty at the local level. The intent of the funding is for local governments to develop initiatives that are aligned with TogetherBC, B.C.’s poverty-reduction strategy.

All projects will involve key community partners, such as community-based poverty-reduction organizations, people with lived experience of poverty, businesses, local First Nations or Indigenous organizations.

“Local governments are best suited to identify chronic and emerging issues in their own communities,” said Nicholas Simons, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “These grants will support action at the local level. Municipalities will work with community partners to develop strategies that can break the cycle of poverty, strengthening communities and improving the lives of all British Columbians.”

“These projects build upon local government relationships and will aid participants in identifying the unique needs of vulnerable and low-income people in each community,” said Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, UBCM president. “This collaborative approach will assist in building ownership locally along with strategies that address the grassroots challenges in each place.”

In 2019, the B.C. government provided $5 million to the UBCM to fund the Poverty Reduction Planning and Action Program.

In 2020 and 2021, 75 local governments received more than $1.9 million for 44 poverty-reduction plans and projects.

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