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Home » Here’s to a kinder, gentler and slower 2024

Posted: December 31, 2023

Here’s to a kinder, gentler and slower 2024

e-KNOW Editorial

By Ian Cobb

Years pass by so quickly nowadays it seems.

You know you’re nearing the final stretch in life when 365 days pass by in a blink.

A bonus of being younger, which is lost to most youngsters, is that time moves slower when your bones and other bits don’t ache 24/7 due to reckless (see also: stupid) moments from the lost days of yore.

The year 2023 departs for a funeral in the sun in a few hours and fresh baby 2024 emerges – a blank slate for the roughly 8.1 billion souls calling Earth home.

That’s another aspect of getting older – changes such as population. When I was born the world’s population was 3.2 billion. No wonder I constantly feel like I am being squeezed from my favourite places by ever fattening crowds.

“Harrumph,” huffed the old curmudgeon.

So 2024 – what do you have in store for us?

Your predecessor was a bit of a dick, what with Russia invading Ukraine, Hamas going full sicko on Israel and Israel returning the favour and a record-breaking fire season heralding a new age of annual fire storms brought upon us by centuries of careless misuse and abuse of our fragile blue dot in the great vacuum.

Within the vortex of a world reacting to parasitical infestation, said parasite – humans – continue to de-evolve into screaming meemies, with politics now full contact performance art layered deeply with the vilest of all human traits – extremism.

Nothing gets done in the once hallowed (who are we kidding, rarely were they hallowed) halls of leadership – provincially, nationally and internationally due to flippant and petulant gamesmanship – all in the name of getting re-elected by increasingly apathetic populations spending too much time just trying to avoid becoming homeless.

Do you sense the tone of desperation and frustration 2024? I hope you do because our world needs a good year, not another swine year.

There are so many important issues in need of solutions they are impossible to list.

But we must start rolling up sleeves and tucking into finding solutions or our world will continue to melt into anarchy, warfare and, thanks to continued climate change, more global migration and turmoil.

It is time for adults to be adults and that means said adults must inform trouble making hissy fit throwing performance artist types with stifled IQs and inflated egos to sit down and shut up.

It is time for this swing to the far left and far right to come to an end and for people to start simmering down and focussing on what matters.

It is time for prepared and intelligent leadership; enough of the Trumps and Trudeaus and immoral rat bastards who spread hate, misinformation and do nothing but create division.

It’s time for us all to come together, 2024; can you make that happen? It’s a big ask I realize and one your predecessor failed to address, completely.

So fellow humans, and it is a stretch for me to admit that I am human and not an alien castoff left in a Flin Flontian womb, let’s be better in the next year and set the template for years to come, where we begin to build a world that works together, in harmony, as opposed to this current hodgepodge of selfish horsecrap and abrasive division.

To all our readers and supporters – thank you and may 2024 be the best possible circling of the sun for you and your families.

May health, happiness and wholeness walk with you each and every day and may the annual revolution slow down a wee bit.

– Ian Cobb is editor and owner of e-KNOW

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