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Home » Horoscope for the week beginning Sept. 7

Posted: September 7, 2018

Horoscope for the week beginning Sept. 7

By Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week

The big three events unfolding now includes Saturn direct, the New Moon Virgo and Mars re-entering Aquarius.

After entering Capricorn in late December 2017 on the eve of Winter Solstice, Saturn advanced to 9 Capricorn by mid-April before turning retrograde. Since then it reversed until September 6 back to 2.5 degrees. Generally, it subtly produced an inner process of reflection measuring opinions, theories, ideals, and habitual actions against reality. Now that time is up and it is time to decide.

Mars was in Aquarius, then turned retrograde in late June then re-entered Capricorn but on September 13 will re-enter Aquarius re-activating it rebellious attitude and approach. The New Moon at 17 Virgo occurs on Sunday, September 9 and is an auspicious Cazimi moon, which means that it will be situated in front of the Sun from our perspective here on Earth, as with a Solar Eclipse, but the Moon is further away in its elliptical orbit so it does not block the sun’s light. If you get a chance, pay attention at 11 a.m. PDT or 2 p.m. EDT and you might see it.

Sept. 7 – 13

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You have held on as long as you can to keep summer going; thanks, on behalf of everyone else. Yet, you have come to the point of realization that it may well be over, for all intents and purposes. But, it does extend officially to the 23rd… Besides, you are now in the mood to focus on practicalities. This includes refinements on your outline of what makes you extra special.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Creating beauty close to home with a sharp eye on the details is keeping you busy now. Adding a dash of originality or two will become increasingly important, starting this week. A rebellious urge that began earlier this summer then subsided is back. It can be used to break through blocks, barriers and any opposition, and you will.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

A busy cycle continues. This is when the practical twin takes the lead. Although you have been quiet about it, you have been outlining your plans for some weeks, maybe even months. Now you are ready to act on this. P.S. magic occurs when you get clear on what you want, then visualize the outcome and use all your senses when imagining how you want it to be.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

An accelerated pace attending to a spectrum of errands, loose ends and details continue. The good news is that your ambitions, drive, and determination are increasing. Yet, like shifting into lower gear as you proceed to climb a steep incline carrying a heavy load, the going may not be fast. However, whatever does enter your path will be met with a powerful push.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

The time has come to attend to your overall foundation. What is working and what not; where to push harder, where less? These and other such questions are on your mind as you enter a series of fresh exciting turns. Yet, there is work to do. Success begins simply by showing up. The time is right to do the groundwork to support you to shake the world.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

The New Moon this weekend is in Virgo. It will activate a powerful push forward. Where you were indecisive, things are now or will soon get much clearer. Decisions will be made and actions take to forge ahead. Your powers of critical analysis and strategic thinking are strong. Your energies are running high and you are determined to break through.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The time has come to rest and rejuvenate. That is what R&R is all about. Call it the recharging period in the annual cycle. At least this is true to some extent. Only you can determine the degree by your experience. But the heads up hint says: slow the pace at least a bit. You are about to enter a more playful cycle and it will produce measurable results, somehow.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Wow, you have entered what can be described as a revolutionary cycle. It will result in taking radical measures to dig deeper than you have for a while. Yet, this process may have already begun a couple of months ago. Then it went on hold. Now, it will activate big changes, especially on relationship fronts. Hopefully, these are what you have been asking for.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You are back in the game, your game. It may come on the heels of some losses, but these may best be understood as part of the natural process. Whatever else may be said, it is what it is and here you are. But there is a rhyme and reason, a deeper force of intelligence at work, and play, and it is measurable. Trust the flow by surrendering to it.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You have been steadily pushing through and taking new leads. At least the impulse to do so has been there and is emerging from both within and without. This is an exciting time as you enter new territory. This process began late last year. Now as Saturn turns direct it is resuming. The key now is to have a sense of direction. If you don’t have one, then you know what you need.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Like having entered a cauldron of change, you can feel it happening. The current is rounding a new turn. You feel a little bolder than usual and it is shaking things up close to home. This may manifest as new technology or innovation. This is generally an expansive time, especially in your public and professional life. It will result in a busier pace but it will take a couple of months to peak.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Many interactions on relationship fronts is a source of excitement. Yet, you are also entering a period during which time you have more inner work to do. This may well include overcoming the doubt demons of your thought processes. The key to overcoming these is to break the pattern of a negatively tracking mind. Make thank your mantra and decisiveness your resolve.

– Michael O’Connor is a professional astrologer with an international clientele.  He has 30 years of study in Astrology, Numerology and related metaphysical and spiritual modalities, over 20 years of full-time practice, is an entertaining and inspirational speaker, and writes a popular New Moon Newsletter and Horoscope Column. To learn more about Booking an Appointment, attending one of Michael’s Workshops or Webinars or one of his inspiring Visual Presentations, please visit his website or contact Michael directly. or (250) 352-6871 or [email protected]

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