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Home » Horoscope for the Week beginning Jan. 26

Posted: January 26, 2018

Horoscope for the Week beginning Jan. 26

By Michael O’Connor

The Aquarius cycle is underway and is packed with goodies.

First, the Super Blue Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on January 31 is the buzz on the streets everywhere. It will specifically be visible to people living on the west coast. That’s the eye candy of it. The astrology focuses on its deeper meaning and implications. Eclipses are always potent activations of destiny. Yet, it should be said that this is true only if it is your destiny to be activated at this time. It comes down to the science of degrees and other specifics of your Birth Chart. 3 degrees either side of 11 Leo 37 is the hot spot and the close a planet in your chart is to exact, the hotter the effect. Thus, 8 Leo 37 to 13 Leo 37 is the hot spot zone. Sometimes the orb of influence can reach a little wider but the effect will be milder, perhaps as much as four degrees.

Mars now in Sagittarius and Mercury set to enter Aquarius just minutes following the exact time of the historical Full Moon adds its own flair of excitement. Technically, therefore, Mercury will be at the critical 29th degree of Capricorn. Woven within this dynamic is an emphasis on economic power plays. By now, the pace of things has picked up and 2018 is poised to enter high gear within the next 10-days. Watch for synchronicities of these themes starting this week. As dramatic as it sounds, there are actually some pure silver linings in the current planetary alignments.

Jan. 26 – Feb. 1

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Pushing your interests and passions to the next level will become evident this week. Financial dealings and interests continue to play an important role. In fact, you may be pushing even harder; going for bigger stakes yet. Meanwhile, gatherings with friends new and old is a source of excitement and may clarify who you feel you are and are not.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Your ambitions are rising and deepening too. It as though all the sails are open and the torque on the keel is that much stronger as if pulling the boat a bit deeper. Your focus is strongly on business. Yet, there is also much to learn and it may prove wise to listen and observe more than express your own thoughts. Old tools, equipment and approaches are upgraded.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Circumstances are pushing you deeper to lay claim to access your reserves of confidence and faith. Assertive and perhaps pushy people on relationship fronts are pushing you to stand in your truth. You have something special you want to share and you want to do it your way. You will be diplomatic in your approach as long as your choices are fully respected.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

You are undergoing a cycle of change. Your career is a likely area of focus. Your direction and resolve may not be as clear as they used to be. This could throw you in on yourself to decipher who you feel you truly are and what you need.  This process is likely to continue for several weeks. Meanwhile, returns on investment are evident.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

New sparks of excitement on relationship fronts are gaining your full attention. These are inspiring you to take action. Aspects of your usual philosophy are getting a jolt, probably for the better but you are challenged to tune-in and cooperate. A learning curve is implied and could manifest as a prolonged course of study or on the job training.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Changes in your lifestyle are underway. You are awakening to the need for adjustments, perhaps a string of them. Quick fixes and schemes to shortcut the process will probably not work. This is a call to play the long game and focus to work more patiently. Make lists, set goals in categories of short, medium, and long and lay claim to your power!

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You are in a creative and perhaps inventive mood. Outer changes, especially on relationship fronts, are both a source of inspiration and instigation. Financial interests are featured and are spurring you into action. Your energy levels are probably running high and you want respectable returns. At deeper levels, you are challenged to face your fears to access hidden reserves of power.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Things are shaking close to home. These are affecting your usual lifestyle rhythms. The pursuit of knowledge that began last month progresses to the next phase.  Research and perhaps an investigation of key knowledge and answers feel important. You want certain knowledge and answers so you can plan ahead and engage the power of intention to work for you.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A flow of new perspectives has begun to enter into your awareness. Fueled by desires to both access your hidden reserves of confidence and faith and to express your convictions, you are taking new leads. Concentrating your focus and perhaps your prayers too, to create a miracle is your aim. In some respects, it may feel like you are paying debts or dues.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

A promising flow of resources, perhaps unexpected, are coming in now. Circumstances may be pushing you to know your direction and to be more disciplined than you have had to be for some time. Pushing through any lingering fears is featured. Making the most of friends and allies, both human and angelic, is your silent prayer.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

The Sun in Aquarius is a sign of taking new leads. These include new forms of knowledge. You are determined to push through resistance of any kind, internal or external. Although you probably have reason to feel optimistic, your journey may well represent an uphill climb. This will likely prove true throughout 2018, so pace yourself and persevere faithfully.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

A busy time behind the scenes is likely now. This includes inner work as well as external projects. You are excited to forge ahead professionally and/or publically and a process of learning new skills is implied. Returns for past efforts are flowing in and this will continue for many months. Hopefully, you have been diligent and wise.

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– Michael O’Connor is a professional astrologer with an international clientele.  He has 30 years of study in Astrology, Numerology and related metaphysical and spiritual modalities, over 20 years of full-time practice, is an entertaining and inspirational speaker, and writes a popular New Moon Newsletter and Horoscope Column. To learn more about Booking an Appointment, attending one of Michael’s Workshops or Webinars or one of his inspiring Visual Presentations, please visit his website or contact Michael directly. or (250) 352-6871 or [email protected]

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