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In recognition of Disability Employment Month
Letter to the Editor
September is Disability Employment Month in British Columbia, a time to celebrate the significant contributions more than 926,000 people with disabilities make to British Columbia’s society and economy.
We are working with people with disabilities, disability advocates and employers to help ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for meaningful employment and to create an inclusive economy and barrier-free B.C.
This year’s Disability Employment Month is also an opportunity to mark the Province’s ongoing work implementing the Accessible British Columbia Act.
On Sept. 1, the Accessible British Columbia Regulation came into effect. This regulation requires more than 750 public-sector organizations to establish an accessibility committee, and plan and have a feedback mechanism in place by September 2023. This new regulation is a next step toward a barrier-free B.C., and will help organizations become more accessible for the benefit of the people who work there, and the people they support.
We invite everyone in British Columbia to join us in celebrating inclusive and accessible workplaces. By working together, we are creating an inclusive society and economy that works for everyone – because a barrier-free B.C. is a stronger B.C.
Nicholas Simons, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, and
Dan Coulter, Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility