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In recognition of the RCMP and all police officers
Letter to the Editor
Across British Columbia, from our largest cities to remote villages and Indigenous communities, we depend on police officers to protect our neighbourhoods and businesses, while strengthening community connections. Every day they courageously uphold public safety, putting their lives at risk so the rest of us can live in peace.
We ask a lot of the police and demands on them continue to grow. Policing is becoming more complicated, yet every day they demonstrate their dedication in responding to challenges with professionalism. Exceptional officers throughout the province continue to answer the call, showing their adaptability in their work to keep our communities safe.
Throughout Canada, the past year has been exceptionally difficult for policing as numerous officers have died in the line of duty. Those losses resonate deeply with British Columbians and are a wrenching reminder of the risks officers face every day as they protect us from crime and violence. These fallen officers were our friends, family members and pillars of our communities, and we will honour their sacrifice and service always.
I invite all British Columbians to show their support for the RCMP and all police officers serving across our province and thank them for the incredible work they do every day.
As our government continues to work on every front to ensure people feel safe, I am grateful for our partnership with the RCMP and all police officers who give their time, talent, and expertise to help us build safer, stronger and more inclusive communities. On behalf of British Columbia, thank you for your service.
Mike Farnworth,
Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General