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Posted: March 5, 2023

Kootenay Rockies Tourism survey results released

During the summer of 2022, Kootenay Rockies Tourism (KR) conducted a comprehensive research study of visitors to the KR region, to determine overall perceived value and quality of the regional destination.

The study design was a two-phase approach with an initial intercept survey being conducted by personal intercepts at Visitor Centres followed up by an online survey to those who consented. In addition to intercepts, a QR code was used and promoted via posters and handouts.

The intercept survey was also sent to qualified visitors through the KRT Consumer Newsletter.

A total of 364 surveys took place – 177 on-site intercept, 94 online intercept, 17 accessed from newsletter, 76 completed longer form. Survey intercepts took place at the Castlegar, Cranbrook, Fernie, Radium Hot Springs and Sparwood Visitors Centres.

Key Findings

  • Visitors were predominantly from Alberta (39%), primarily Calgary (17%), and British Columbia (34%). Other Canada accounted for 15% while seven per cent were from US and five per cent were other international visitors.
  • Travel parties most commonly consisted of two people (45%) and only approximately one-quarter had children under the age of 18 travelling with them.
  • Most visitors’ primary destinationĀ (60%) was within the region while one-quarter were on a touring trip with no specific destination.
  • On average, travel parties spent $1,340 while in the region or an average of $106 per person /per night.
  • The region has a strong Net Promoter Score of 70.4%.

Read the full report.

Kootenay Rockies Tourism

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