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Home » Kootenay Rockies Tourism welcomes new member

Posted: April 5, 2022

Kootenay Rockies Tourism welcomes new member

Kootenay Rockies Tourism recently welcomed Sylvia O’Connor to its team.

Sylvia O’Connor was the successful candidate to fulfill the role of Destination Development Coordinator and will work alongside Rhiannon Paterson in this department.  Sylvia joined the team Tuesday, March 22 and will work remotely from Invermere where she currently resides

The Destination Development and Stewardship department at KRT has continued to grow and with Emilie Cayer-Huard on secondment with Destination BC for one year, there was an urgent need to build and strengthen our capacity within this vertical.

“We are delighted to have Sylvia join us to further our efforts in our planning areas, our sustainability work and new projects that we will undertake as we move into the next fiscal,” said KRT CEO Kathy Cooper. “Sylvia will be working closely with Rhiannon and comes with a strong knowledge and understanding of rural tourism and economic development.”

“I am excited to work in the area of destination development and with our communities.  We live in such an amazing part of the world and I look forward to contributing to our region in a meaningful way,” added Sylvia.

Kootenay Rockies Tourism

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