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Home » Local heritage icons getting major funding boost

Posted: April 25, 2023

Local heritage icons getting major funding boost

Inside one of the many railway cars at the Cranbrook Railway Museum.

Two tourism and heritage icons in the East Kootenay will be receiving $1 million apiece after the provincial government this morning announced it is spending $50-million to “keep building the province as a world-class tourism destination.”

Out of that $50 million, $20 million is going to Vancouver’s Science World and the remaining $30 million goes to 89 projects that enhance existing tourism infrastructure throughout the province, foster globally competitive destinations, strengthen a year-round visitor economy, and to support sustainability, accessibility and inclusion, a provincial government media release explained.

Projects include new tourism attractions, campground developments, incorporating Indigenous culture and language, accessibility improvements, and climate change adaptations.

Fifteen projects in the Kootenay Rockies are getting $8,069,613, including $1 million to the City of Kimberley for rejuvenation of the historic Cominco Gardens and $1 million to Cranbrook Archives, Museum and Landmark Society to go to its Heritage Railcar Preservation Building project.

Also, the Tourism Fernie Society’s AmbassadorWILD & Sustainable Tourism Program will receive $200,000.

Other Kootenay Rockies area groups and projects receiving funds:

Creston Rod and Gun Club is getting $399,000 for Investment in Gerard Rainbow Trout restocking.

The J.B. Fletcher Restoration Society is getting $65,000 for Ainsworth History Museum enhancement.

Employment Service Society Creston Valley-Kootenay Lake is getting $1 million for a wayfinding and signage project.

And the Sandon Historical Society is getting $376,242 for rejuvenation of historic ghost town buildings. Sandon pictured above.

See the list of grant recipients.

Lead image: Kimberley’s beautiful Cominco Gardens. e-KNOW file photos


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