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Home » MLA Clovechok presses Health Minister on cancer care

Posted: June 8, 2023

MLA Clovechok presses Health Minister on cancer care

B.C. Minister of Health Adrian Dix.

Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Doug Clovechok is keeping his foot on the gas when it comes to getting answers on cancer health care for rural British Columbians from Health Minister Adrian Dix.

Clovechok June 6 sent a letter to Minister Dix seeking answers to three questions following his recent announcement that noted B.C. cancer patients be sent to Bellingham, Washington for treatment.

“Patients want to know how this new policy will impact their care in Columbia River-Revelstoke. As you know, people from rural B.C. have, and continue to shoulder, significant travel costs to access cancer treatment right here in our province,” Clovechok said, adding he’d appreciate answers to the following three questions.

“Will rural B.C. patients receive financial support from the province while they access treatment within B.C. such as at Kelowna, or is this just for those who are sent to Bellingham? If it is just the latter, then I would appreciate learning the reasoning behind that,” Clovechok asked.

Secondly; “Will rural British Columbians who have already spent tens of thousands of dollars in cancer treatment in B.C. receive any compensation? If not, why not?

And his final query: “Will cancer patients from Columbia River-Revelstoke be sent to Bellingham, or will this option only apply to patients from urban areas in the Lower Mainland? If so, I would like to understand why.”

Clovechok continues to press Dix and the NDP government to help work out a trans-border health care model with Alberta to allow eastern British Columbians closer and more affordable health care options.

“As you are certainly aware, I have been in direct and written conversation with the last two Alberta Health Ministers advocating for B.C to work closely with the Alberta government on an effective trans-border health care model that will provide care options for those British Columbians who live closer to the Alberta border. This process is clearly aligned with the Canadian Heath Act,” Clovechok said.

“Once the Alberta government has announced its new cabinet positions, I will request a face-to-face meeting with the new Alberta Minister of Health. As we have discussed many times, reduced travel distances and costs result in better outcomes for patients.”

MLA Clovechok concluded his letter by informing Dix “cancer patients from my constituency do not feel that they are being treated fairly and equitably. You and I have worked together to effectively solve many health-related issues in Columbia River-Revelstoke over the last six and one-half years. I look forward to working with you once again to address the needs and questions that my constituents have presented to both of us.”

Lead image: File image of MLA Doug Clovechok speaking in the B.C. Legislature.  e-KNOW file photo


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