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Home » MP Morrison advocates for swift resolution to ferry strike

Posted: January 25, 2025

MP Morrison advocates for swift resolution to ferry strike

Member of Parliament Rob Morrison met with B.C. Minister of Labour Minister Whiteside Jan. 23 to discuss the ongoing inland ferry service disruption that continues to impact local residents and businesses across the region.

During the meeting, MP Morrison presented a briefing note highlighting the urgent concerns raised by constituents and business owners who rely on these essential ferry services for their daily operations and livelihood.

MP Rob Morrison

The discussion focused on finding immediate solutions to end the strike, sharing stories of the impacts being felt by the people living in the area and how to make this vital transportation link an essential service.

“Our communities depend on these ferry services, and this prolonged disruption is causing significant hardship for families and businesses alike,” said Morrison. “I’ve heard directly from constituents who are struggling to access essential services, and from business owners watching their operations suffer.”

Morrison emphasized the critical nature of inland ferry services to the region’s economy and pledged to continue advocating for affected communities until service is restored.

“I will continue standing up for the people of Kootenay-Columbia and pressing for a resolution that serves the best interests of our communities,” he added.

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