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Home » MP takes small business tax issues to the House

Posted: September 25, 2017

MP takes small business tax issues to the House

Kootenay-Columbia Member of Parliament Wayne Stetski rose in the House of Commons Sept. 19 to tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that small businesses are unhappy with the Liberal government’s proposed tax increases.

Stetski had promised to raise the issues when he met with the Cranbrook and Kimberley Chambers of Commerce last week.

Speaking in the House, Stetski said: “Mr. Speaker, earlier this month, I attended meetings with the Cranbrook and Kimberley Chambers of Commerce to discuss the Finance Minister’s proposed tax changes. Across my riding of Kootenay-Columbia, small business owners, farmers, and professionals are all coming together to express their shock and outrage at being told that they’re verging on being tax cheats, and that even struggling businesses will have to pay more.

“David Hull, Executive Director of the Cranbrook Chamber said in a news release, “Nobody supports tax evasion or loopholes. But these changes will punish legitimate businesses. One of my small business owners has offered to pay their own way to Ottawa to meet with the Finance Minister or the Prime Minister – that’s how concerned he is.”

Stetski told the PM and House the people in his riding have three asks of the Liberal government.

“Extend the period for consultation; focus tax reform on closing stock option loopholes and stopping the use of off-shore tax havens and ensure they do not target hardworking small business owners, who already feel betrayed by the Liberals for not cutting small business taxes.”


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