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Home » New road safety committee meeting Nov. 14 in Jaffray

Posted: November 5, 2023

New road safety committee meeting Nov. 14 in Jaffray

A group of concerned citizens are forming the East Kootenay Road Safety Committee.

“Our goal is to do what we can to make the roads safer for everyone. We have lost too many lives and loved ones on the East Kootenay roads and we will no longer stand for it. We need to take back our roads and make them safe for everyone who drives them,” said Keltie Munro, who is helping form the committee.

“How are we going to do this? We are not sure but we know we need to try and we will do everything within our power to make change.”

The committee is holding its first meeting at the Jaffray Community Hall on November 14 at 6 p.m.

This meeting will be open to everyone and the goal for this first meeting is to establish an executive committee as well as a few sub committees that will be working on various issues, Munro said.

“We will also be opening the floor to the community to share their stories and concerns and establish the major issues on the roads. Our local MLA will be there to support our cause and we have also invited members from Regional District of East Kootenay, Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

“This committee is not about addressing the conditions of the roads but more the drivers and how to make our roads safe for everyone to drive,” Munro explained.

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