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Home » Not always an app for that

Posted: February 25, 2024

Not always an app for that

Sparwood Search and Rescue (SAR) is reminding the public about the importance of remembering that a map is only one tool for planning a trip, and usually won’t tell you the current condition of the roads following a Feb. 24 rescue.

Yesterday morning Sparwood SAR was tasked along with Fernie Search and Rescue, Cranbrook Search and Rescue, Kimberley Search and Rescue and PEP Air to search for a pair of travellers who went missing while driving from B.C. to Alberta.

“While the search was underway we were able to make contact with the subjects, who were being helped by a passing snowmobiler to bring them out to a waiting SAR team,” reported Sparwood SAR on social media.

“It turned out that the subjects had made a wrong turn on their drive, and consulted a mapping app on their smartphone to get them back on course. The app ended up routing them to a forest service road, and then on to a road that’s only passable in summer, with no cell phone service, where their vehicle became stuck,” SAR explained.

“Fortunately, they had plenty of spare clothes in the vehicle to help them stay warm overnight.

“It’s an important reminder that when following the guidance of a navigation app, you still need to consider the conditions ahead of you and not take the app’s guidance at face value. If you’re being routed off paved and maintained roads, stop and consider whether you’re prepared for backcountry travel or if you should turn back and find a better road.”

Lead image: Sparwood and Cranbrook SAR vehicles during a recent off-road driver training course. Sparwood SAR photo


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