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Home » Outgoing MLA Clovechok feted with special surprise

Posted: September 14, 2024

Outgoing MLA Clovechok feted with special surprise

Susan and Doug Clovechok.

Countless miles driven, constituents helped, issues solved, hands shaken and speeches made, while cleaving large slabs of life to the side at the same time over the past dozen years, led Doug Clovechok to the Lake Windermere District Lions Club Hall at the Invermere crossroads Sept. 11.

Expecting to roast the BC NDP at a Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce luncheon and bid farewell as he heads to retirement, Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Clovechok was ambushed by constituents, friends and family, with a special surprise in tow.

Along with thanking the loyal BC United Party MLA for all his hard work over his two-terms in office as a Member of the Opposition, Clovechok was presented with the King Charles III Coronation Medal by B.C. Conservative Party candidate Scott McInnis before an audience peppered with regional elected officials and local dignitaries.

Numerous other friends, family members and peers Zoomed in from around the nation and world to congratulate Doug and share some stories, including former cabinet minister, Kootenay East MLA and Clovechok mentor Bill Bennett, who passed on his love and respect from Palermo, Italy.

The celebration was a surprise but deeply appreciated, Clovechok said.

“What a day! The invitation to say a farewell and thank you to the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce members today turned into a very special honour. I was humbled to receive the King Charles III Coronation Medal. Words cannot express how touched I was to hear from so many folks that I have worked with through the years.

“Bill Bennett – Past MLA Kootenay East; Kevin Gregor – Past Chair of Calgary Educational Partnership; Leonard Bastien – Pikanii Elder; Hon. Lyle Oberg – Past Alberta Minister of Education; daughter Stephanie Clovechok; Marko Shehovac – retired RCMP Staff Sergeant; Dave Gregory – Past Chair of Calgary Educational Partnership; Wilda Schab – Past College of the Rockies board member. My heart is full,” he stated on social media.

Another regional politician shared her thoughts.

“Congratulations to our MLA on his much-deserved recognition. The speeches captured the essence of this community minded man who has spent a career making a positive difference in the communities he has lived in and served. All the speeches were moving in their unique way but the acknowledgement Blackfoot Confederacy Chief and Elder of his work with Indigenous Youth was particularly moving,” stated Regional District of East Kootenay Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok (aka: Doug’s spouse).

“Thank you Doug – and thank you for the way that over your seven years as our MLA you have consistently reached out to local government for our perspective on all manner of legislation and issues.”

A common observation shared about Doug is his unique skill as a “door opener,” as Wilda Schab noted, referring to how he opens doors for people, helping them proceed in life.

His time as an elected official has been on the wrong side of the aisle in terms of being able to access government resources to help his riding, but Clovechok has been damned good for this riding – for all residents.

Far from being ‘a typical politician’ who talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk, Clovechok has been refreshingly open minded, open armed and committed to all areas of the riding, from Revelstoke to Kimberley and his Columbia Valley home.

His departure from the Legislature coincides with the mouth-smacking shock of his party dissolving after leader Kevin Falcon pulled the rug from under all BC United MLAs and candidates by calling it quits and bowing to John Rustad and his BC Conservative Party.

Clovechok, like fellow BC United MLA and now independent candidate Tom Shypitka (Kootenay East/Kootenay Rockies), Clovechok felt blindsided by Falcon’s announcement and disappointment is evident.

However, he said he feels relieved that he “handpicked an outstanding candidate” in Kimberley’s Scott McInnis, who has transitioned from BC United to BC Conservative candidate.

Congratulations in retirement Doug. And thank you for your outstanding service to this region and province.

Lead image: Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Doug Clovechok has been presenting King Charles III Coronation Medals to constituents the past few weeks and was surprised Sept. 11 when one was presented to him. Ian Cobb/e-KNOW photos

Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

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