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Posted: May 27, 2023

Paramedics are the backbone of emergency health services

Letter to the Editor

This week (May 21-29), I would like to express my deep appreciation for the people who serve our communities as paramedics. Every day, paramedics put themselves at risk to serve people throughout B.C. Your dedication, professionalism and tireless work do not go unnoticed.

Paramedics are the backbone of our emergency health services, working courageously on the front lines to provide critical care for those who need it most. Whether they are responding to an emergency or providing transportation to the hospital, paramedics go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that the people who need medical help get it quickly.

This week is a time to recognize paramedics, emergency medical call-takers and dispatchers for selflessly protecting the health and safety of people during the COVID-19 pandemic and saving the lives of people who use drugs when they encounter toxic drugs.

Many people in B.C. and their families have been supported by the lifesaving, quality care provided by paramedics who are often first on the scene. This is why investing in emergency health-care workers is a top priority for the province.

Through B.C.’s Health Human Resources Strategy, we are taking meaningful action to invest in training opportunities for paramedics, alongside other in-demand careers in health care, so that people have timely access to the care they need, when they need it. Government is providing approximately $2 million to the Justice Institute of B.C. to expand its paramedic programming.

The province is also increasing the standard of care that paramedics can provide for patients on scene. For example, depending on the paramedic licence level, paramedics will be able to provide life-supporting or sustaining medications for patients and provide enhanced airway management. These changes will help provide better outcomes for patients.

On behalf of the provincial government, please join me in thanking paramedics for their essential work and unwavering commitment to caring for people in B.C.

Adrian Dix,

B.C. Minister of Health

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