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Posted: February 2, 2024

Program seeks new tourism ideas to help support

Do you have an idea for a new tourism experience for Cranbrook?

The Rainforest to Rockies “Spark” program is ready to support winning tourism ideas.

The B.C. Spark program is a three-month Mentorship and Grant Program focused on supporting new tourism ideas, experiences, and partnerships.

Winners will receive a $3,000 seed grant and a three-month mentorship while being connected to new and existing entrepreneurs in the tourism ecosystem.

Whether you are an individual, a start-up, or an established small business or non-profit organization, there can be many challenges and barriers to bringing a new tourism idea, experience, or partnership to fruition.

Destination BC wants to help. The Spark Program will match selected candidates with a tourism mentor, and provide seed funds to help take their new tourism idea to the next level of development or implementation.

The deadline to apply is March 1. Check out the details here.


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