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Home » Public asked to help battle noxious weeds

Posted: May 10, 2016

Public asked to help battle noxious weeds

Invasive plants are all around the City of Cranbrook and can pose a serious threat to wildlife, the economy, recreation and the environment.

You may have also heard them referred to as noxious weeds. Spotted knapweed is one of dozens of invasive plants found in the province and has become more and more prevalent around the city.

Responsibility to help control invasive plants lies with individual property owners, businesses and the City of Cranbrook in public spaces and City owned properties.

The BC Weed Control Act “imposes a duty on all land owners and occupiers to control designated noxious plants” – which includes knapweed species. The City of Cranbrook also conducts its own extensive Noxious Weed Control program annually on city properties to try to combat their spread.

Spar EKIPCThe East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council (EKIPC) and the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) can provide assistance to the public through its Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program.

This region-wide stewardship program provides residential property owners with guidance, resources, free sprayer equipment loan-out and financial rebates necessary to manage these harmful plants. Industrial and commercial property owners are eligible for guidance, resources and a free sprayer equipment loan out.

Informational brochures are available for pick up at Cranbrook City Hall. A knapweed information newsletter is also available at City Hall or for download from the city website at

Property owners that are interested in the Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program are encouraged to contact the RDEK.

City of Cranbrook

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