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Home » RCMP offer seasonal reminders

Posted: June 1, 2022

RCMP offer seasonal reminders

The RCMP is offering summer season reminders to residents and visitors, including not leaving campfires unattended and to lock all vehicles.

“Summer weather is almost around the corner and that means more people will be out camping and enjoying our wonderful wilderness surrounded by scenic mountains. Camping is a long-standing tradition in the Elk Valley and everyone enjoys a campfire,” noted Cst. Debra Katerenchuk, Media Relations Officer with Elk Valley RCMP.

“Elk Valley RCMP would like remind campers to use caution when outdoors and to be mindful to fully extinguish their campfires before leaving their site.”

Anyone caught leaving a campfire unattended could face a fine of $1,150 under the Wildlife Act. If a wildfire results, those responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.

“Do not be the person(s) responsible for causing a blaze in our area. You must not leave your fire unattended for any length of time,” Cst. Katerenchuk stated.

For more information, please visit the BC Wildfire Service.

Lock it or lose it: Your vehicles and mountain bikes

Elk Valley RCMP also wish to remind the public of their duty and responsibility to lock all vehicles and secure mountain bikes.

“Please do not leave personal/business items in your vehicles. The RCMP would like everyone to be very cognizant in securing your properties safe from day/night time thieves,” Cst. Katerenchuk said.

Each year there are numerous incidents of vehicle break and enters and thefts because people leave vehicles unlocked, often with keys left inside.

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