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Posted: November 10, 2017

RDEK Board Highlights

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Nov. 3 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors’ meeting.

10-Year Service Award

Ginger Palmer was presented with a 10-year service award. Palmer works out of the RDEK’s Columbia Valley office in the Engineering Department as one of our Operators overseeing the RDEK water and sewer systems in the Valley. Congratulations Ginger!

Board Chair Rob Gay and Vice-chair Wendy Booth

Board Chair and Vice Chair Election for 2018

The annual election of RDEK Chair and Vice Chair was held at the November Board Meeting and Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay will continue on as Chair for 2018. This will be his seventh term as RDEK Chair. Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth will continue as Vice Chair for a sixth term. Both Gay and Booth were acclaimed.

Public Hearing Scheduled for Jaffray Area OCP

The Board gave first and second reading to a new Official Community Plan for the Jaffray area and a revised South Country Zoning Bylaw. The OCP replaces Land Use Bylaw No. 1414, adopted in 1999, and establishes new policy to help guide future land use and development in the plan area. The revised zoning bylaw incorporates the area previously covered by Bylaw No. 1414, the existing South Country Zoning Bylaw area, and previously un-zoned land to the south, east and west of Jaffray. Bylaws No. 2810 and 2811 will be the subject of a public hearing on November 22 in Jaffray.

Dee Conklin

Columbia Valley Economic Development Strategic Plan Approved

The 2017-2019 Columbia Valley Economic Development (CVED) Strategic Plan has been approved by the RDEK Board. The plan will serve as a guiding document for the CVED Officer and Commission over the next two years. In addition to approving the strategic plan, the board appointed Dee Conklin to the CVED Advisory Commission for a two-year term. Outgoing Commission member Susan Clovechok will be thanked for her service.

Further discussions on Westside Legacy Trail No Dog Policy

The board has directed RDEK staff to contact private landowners along the Westside Legacy Trail to discuss the provision prohibiting dogs on the trail and explore whether having dogs on leash may be acceptable.

Edgewater Fire expansion one step closer

An amendment bylaw to expand the existing Edgewater Fire Service boundary to include Spur Valley has been given three readings and submitted for the required provincial ministry approvals. Residents have requested fire protection in their area and the community is within the accepted standard 13km from the Edgewater Fire Hall. Once approved by the ministry, the bylaw will come back to the board for consideration and adoption.

FozzyFest Special Event Licence granted

The board has approved a special event licence for FozzyFest 2018, which is scheduled to be held September 13-16, 2018. The approval was granted with a number of conditions. The board also approved an exemption to the Noise Control Bylaw during the festival.

Discretionary Grants-in-Aid (DGIA)

The Royal Canadian Legion Michel – Natal Branch No. 81 and Fernie Branch No. 36 (pictured) will each receive $45 from the Electoral Area A DGIA account for the 2017 poppy campaign.

The Wardner Community Association will receive $1,000 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account to help off-set costs incurred with this summer’s Trans Canada Trail / Great Trail celebration.

The Royal Canadian Legion’s Windermere District Branch No. 71 will receive $100 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and the Edgewater Branch No. 199 will receive $75 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account for the 2017 poppy campaign.

2018 RDEK board meeting schedule approved

The 2018 RDEK board meetings will be held on the following dates: January 5; February 9; March 2; April 6; May 4; June 8; July 6; August 3; September 7; October 5; November 9; December 7.

Board meetings begin at 9 a.m. in the boardroom of the RDEK’s Cranbrook office and are open to the public.

Public Hearings

Monday, November 20 – 7 p.m. at 
Wasa Community Hall – 6145 Wasa School Road, Wasa FOR Bylaw 2807 – Regional District of East Kootenay – Electoral
Area E Zoning & Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2502, 2014 – Amendment Bylaw No. 15, 2017 (Moan Road / 0790656 BC Ltd.)

Wednesday, November 22 – 7 p.m.
at Jaffray Community Hall – 7375 Jaffray Village Loop Road, Jaffray FOR Bylaw 2810 – Regional District of East Kootenay – Jaffray Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2810, 2017. – and

Bylaw 2811 – Regional District of East Kootenay – South Country Zoning & Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2811, 2017.

Wednesday, November 22 – 7 p.m. at Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce – 651 Highway 93/95 FOR Bylaw 2812 – Regional District of East Kootenay – Lake Windermere Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2061, 2008 – Amendment Bylaw No. 21, 2017 (Windermere / V.J. Bishop Excavating Ltd.) – and

Bylaw 2813 – Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 333, 2017 (Windermere / V.J. Bishop Excavating Ltd.)

Wednesday, November 22 – 7 p.m. 
at Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce – 651 Highway 93/95 FOR Bylaw 2814 – Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 334, 2017 (Rushmere / Gillies) will amend section 7.12(7) by adding the following:

(c) Despite Section 4.17(1)(k) of this Bylaw, on Lot 1, District Lot 347, Kootenay District, Plan NEP74119 an auxiliary dwelling unit is permitted.

Please note: The Local Government Act requires councils and boards to conduct public hearings before adopting or amending Official Community Plans, zoning bylaws or rural land use bylaws. The purpose of a public hearing is to allow the public to make presentations to the local government concerning the matters contained in the OCP or bylaw. There are a number of statutory requirements for public hearings that must be adhered to.

Public meetings, by contrast, do not have legal requirements or formalities. They are
not mandatory under the Act. They are, however, a valuable information sharing tool.

Public Meetings

Area A Town Hall and Volunteer of the Year Celebration – Tuesday, November 21 at 7 p.m. at 
Hosmer Community Centre.

Johnny Shaw will be celebrated as the Area A Volunteer of the Year at 7 p.m. There will be refreshments and cake. The Town Hall Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. with a Director’s Report, along with presentations on Area A Flood Control, a recent Highway 3 Traffic study and the RDEK Financial Plan.

Moyie and Area Visioning / Community Planning Workshop – Wednesday, November 22 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Moyie Community Hall.

You are invited to join us for a Community Planning Workshop for the Moyie area (Westview Road, Lumberton, Green Bay (pictured above), Monroe Lake, Mineral Lake, Moyie Lake, Narrows, Moyie Townsite south to Ryan Station Road).

Click here to view more regarding the planning process.


Thursday, November 30 – Committee Meetings TBA

Friday, December 1 – RDEK Board Meeting 9 a.m.


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