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RDEK Board Highlights
The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Sept. 7 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors’ meeting.
Shannon Moskal was presented with her 20-year service award. Shannon first started her career with the RDEK as a temporary microfilmist, before moving into a permanent role within the Administrative Services department, which is now known as Corporate Services. She is currently our Corporate Officer and is well known for her attention to detail, and knowledge on elections and legislation. Thank you for all you do for the region, Shannon and congratulations on this milestone.
New Wasa and area development permit
The board adopted Bylaw No. 2633 establishing a new development permit area in the Wasa & Area Official Community Plan for the protection of environmentally sensitive areas. Owners and occupiers of land undertaking certain types of construction or other land altering activities within an environmentally sensitive area are now required to apply for and obtain a development permit before proceeding.
Continued support for Community Energy Manager
The RDEK will participate in funding year six of the Community Energy Manager program up to a maximum of $15,000, subject to BC Hydro hiring the contractor and the continued participation of the other funding partners. The RDEK has supported the Community Energy Manager partnership with BC Hydro and Columbia Basin Trust for the past five years.
Lake Baptiste Dam construction contract awarded
The Lake Baptiste Dam construction contract has been awarded to Max Helmer Construction. In addition, the board awarded $200,000 in funding from the Community Works Fund for the project and approved the transfer of $280,000 from the Edgewater Water Reserve account. Up to $103,140 of the remaining project cost will be borrowed and repaid over five years through the Edgewater Water System Service.
Non-medical cannabis retail licencing
The board established policies and procedures for the RDEK’s consideration of non-medical cannabis retail licences. Upon the RDEK’s receipt of a cannabis retail licence referral from the provincial Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB), proponents will be required to apply for a rezoning of the property in question to permit non-medical cannabis retail. RDEK’s comments on the proposed retail licence will be sent to LCRB following the board’s consideration of the rezoning bylaw.
The board has awarded an additional $25,000 from the Community Works Fund for the Tie Lake Dam Project. The additional funds will be used to offset unanticipated costs related to protection measures for Western Painted Turtles that were discovered as part of the permitting process. The Tie Lake Dam Project is scheduled for construction this fall after being postponed in 2017 due to the backcountry closure and forest fire risk.
Funding for washroom facilities at Crossroads Ball Park
The Windermere Lions Club will receive $57,500 from the Electoral Area F Regional Parks and Trails Service to go towards the construction of washroom facilities at the Crossroads Regional Ball Park. The Lions Club has already received $12,000 from the CBT Community Initiatives Program for the project, which is already underway and expected to be complete for next season.
New fee structure for Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena users
A new fee schedule has been adopted for the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena for Ice Rental and advertising rights. Anyone looking for more information can contact the arena staff at 250-342-6712.
Support for funding application for Columbia Wetlands Strategic Plan
A letter of support will be provided to the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners for their funding application to the Columbia Basin Trust Environment Grants for the development of a Columbia Wetlands Strategic Plan.
Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund administration agreement renewed
The agreement with The Nature Trust of BC (TNTBC) for the administration of the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund has been renewed for an indefinite term. TNTBC is the sponsor of the Kootenay Conservation Program, which is the organization responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Conservation Fund.
IT services contract awarded
The IT services contract for the RDEK has been awarded to Cyberlink Systems Inc. for a two-year term.
Discretionary Grants-in-Aid (DGIA)
The Wasa & District Historical Society will receive $5,000 from the Electoral Area E DGIA account to go toward the purchase of a second columbarium for the Wasa Cemetery.
The Nature Trust of BC will receive $5,000 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account to go towards a market research study to determine whether there is an appetite for the establishment of a Local Conservation Fund in other parts of the RDEK.
The East Kootenay Disc Golf Club will receive $750 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account for the purchase of permanent tee pads at Wycliffe Park in preparation for the BC Disc Golf Provincials, which are being hosted by the club in October.
Public Hearings
Wednesday, September 26 at 4 p.m. at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort – Pine Room , 5225 Fairmont Resort Road, Fairmont Hot Springs.
Bylaw No. 2873 – cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Fairmont Hot Springs & Columbia Lake Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2779, 2017 – Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2018 (Columbia Lake / 1817796 Alberta Ltd.)”
Bylaw No. 2874 – cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992-Amendment Bylaw No. 340, 2018 (Columbia Lake / 1817796 Alberta Ltd.)”
Wednesday, September 26 at 4 p.m. in the RDEK Board Room 19 – 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook.
Bylaw No. 2871 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Rockyview Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2255, 2010 – Amendment Bylaw No. 21, 2018 (Cranbrook West / Hildebrandt)”
Bylaw No. 2872 – cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Cranbrook Rural Zoning Bylaw No. 1402, 2001 – Amendment Bylaw No. 49, 2018 (Cranbrook West / Hildebrandt)”
Thursday, October 4 Committee Meetings in the RDEK board room – TBA
Friday, October 5 at 9 a.m. in the RDEK board room.
Lead image: A view across the Kootenay River at Wasa. e-KNOW file photos