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RDEK Board Highlights
The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Feb. 5 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors’ meeting.
RDEK to provide grant for curbside recycling carts in Kimberley
The RDEK has approved a grant to the City of Kimberley of up to $281,600 to purchase 3,200 curbside recycling carts. The city is aiming to have its curbside recycling program up and running later this year.
Three resolutions to be taken to AKBLG AGM
The RDEK will be submitting resolutions for consideration by the Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) at its upcoming AGM, regarding: BC Ambulance Rural Service, BC Hydro Pole Fees and inclusion of the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sector in the Recycle BC program.
Community Works funds approved for broadband
Community Works Funds in the amount of $678,372 have been approved for Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC) to undertake broadband connectivity projects in Electoral Areas B, C and E, provided CBBC receives required approvals and additional grants. The RDEK will also provide a letter of support to the CBBC for its grant application to the Universal Broadband Fund.
In support of upcoming census
The RDEK will be encouraging all residents to complete their Statistics Canada census questionnaire this May. Local governments rely on the information obtained through the census for everything from infrastructure planning to grant applications, so having strong participation in the census process is important.
Fire Protection Agreement renewed
The Fire Protection Services Agreement with the District of Invermere for fire protection service in the Invermere Rural, Wilmer and lower Toby Benches (pictured above) areas has been renewed through 2025.
Local Conservation Fund projects approved
The RDEK board has approved a total of 10 projects for funding through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund.
The following projects have been approved for 2021 funding:
- Columbia River Headwater Lakes Monitoring/Education: Lake Windermere – $14,350;
- Columbia River Headwater Lakes Monitoring/Education: Columbia Lake – $13,000;
- Conservation of Biodiversity in the Columbia Valley -$20,000;
• Upper Columbia Swallow Habitat Enhancement Project – $19,300;
• Columbia Valley Farmland Advantage Stewardship -$17,985;
• Kootenay River Ranch Land Stewardship Activities -$14,000;
• Strategic Invasive Plant Control of Leafy Spurge – $6,500;
• Windermere Creek Restoration – Friends of Windermere Creek – $5,000.
In addition, two projects were approved for multi-year funding through the fund:
- Columbia River Headwater Lakes Monitoring/Education Lake Windermere: 2021 – $14,350; 2022: $11,415; 2023: $13,255.
- Upper Columbia Swallow Habitat Enhancement Project: 2021 – $19,300; 2022 – $15,000; 2023 – $13,000.
CVLCF is administered by the Kootenay Conservation Program on behalf of the RDEK and information on the fund and its projects can be found at the KCP website.
New member for Spur Valley Utility Advisory Commission
Vaughn Taylor has been appointed to the Spur Valley Utility Advisory Commission for a one-year term. The Commission provides the Area Director, Board and staff with input on the operation and maintenance of the community water system.
Application to be submitted for WildSafe BC Coordinator
An application will be submitted to the 2021 WildSafeBC Program to provide a Community Coordinator in Electoral Areas F and G. A contribution fee of $4,000 will be paid from the Discretionary Grants-In-Aid Service ($3,500 from Electoral Area F and $500 from Electoral Area G).
Discretionary Grants in Aid (DGIA)
The following organizations will receive grants:
• Valley Fitness Centre will receive $1,500 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and $567 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account to go towards the costs of an exterior fire exit stair system at the Centre.
The following organizations will receive a multi-year DGIA grant:
• The City of Kimberley will receive $18,000 from the Electoral Area C and $2,000 from the Electoral Area E DGIA accounts for a period of five years (2021-2025).
February 11 – RDEK Budget Meetings – 12:30 p.m.
March 4 – RDEK Committee Meetings – TBA
March 5 – RDEK Board Meeting 9 a.m.
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