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RDEK January Meeting Notes
Dry Gulch Water
A letter will be sent to the Dry Gulch property owners acknowledging receipt of the informal water service petition and advising that the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board Jan. 6 postponed further action until February pending receipt of a report on the proposed servicing project.
Moyie Utility Advisory Commission appointments
Brian Conrad, Gary Banks and Steve Brunell have been reappointed and Garry Spence has been appointed to the Moyie Utility Advisory Commission for a two year term.
Timber Ridge Utility Advisory Commission appointment
Bill Honeywell has been appointed to the Timber Ridge Utility Advisory Commission for an eight month term.
Invermere Library Board appointments
Tom Symington has been appointed as an Electoral Area F representative and Holly Auger has been appointed as an Area G representative on the Invermere Public Library Board for a term ending December 31, 2013.
Elk Valley Victims Assistance Program update
The board chair and CAO have signed the agreement with Jennifer Asselin for delivery of the Elk Valley Victim Assistance Program for the term February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2014. Asselin has been managing the program since 2009.
20-Year Service Award
Lori Pesce was presented with a 20-year service award. She started with the Regional District as a clerk steno/microfilmist and is currently the finance assistant.
Jim Smith Lake development
The board gave third reading to Bylaws No. 2305 and 2306 to amend the Rockyview Official Community Plan and Cranbrook Rural Zoning Bylaw. The amendments will facilitate an 18 lot rural residential subdivision along Lake View Drive at the west end of Jim Smith Lake.
2012/2013 Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs applications available
The RDEK will once again administer the Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs on behalf of Columbia Basin Trust. Application forms and proposal guidelines are now available at the RDEK’s Cranbrook and Columbia Valley offices and on our website www.rdek.bc.ca. The application deadline is February 20 at 4:30 p.m.
Fairmont Hot Springs RV Park Expansion
The Board gave first and second reading to Bylaw No. 2353 to amend the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. The amendment will permit the addition of up to 60 new campsites near the existing RV Park at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. A public hearing on Bylaw No. 2353 will be held on January 24 in Fairmont.
Discretionary Grants in Aid (DGIA)
– Tourism Fernie will receive $3,000 from the Electoral Area A DGIA account to support a daytime transportation service between Fernie and the Fernie Alpine Resort.
– The Elk Valley Bear Aware Program will receive $1500 from the Electoral Area A DGIA account and $500 from the Electoral Area B DGIA account for the 2012 Bear Aware Program.
– Fernie Rod and Gun Club will receive $2500 from the Area A DGIA account to help upgrade the second floor of the Elks Hall in Fernie.
– On April 18-19, the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology (CMI) will be hosting the ‘Urban Wildlife: Challenges and Management’ Conference in Cranbrook. The RDEK will support the event through grants in aid from the following Electoral Area DGIA accounts: Area A $125; Area B $167; Area C $125; Area E $194; Area F $195; Area G $194.
– The Toby Creek Nordic Ski Club will receive $2500 from the Electoral Area F and $500 from the Electoral Area G DGIA accounts for maintenance of the Lake Windermere Whiteway.
– Wildsight will be hosting a seminar on conservation and the economy this March and will receive $1500 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and $500 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account to help offset speaker travel and honorarium costs.
– The Fairmont Business Association (FBA) and the Fairmont Community Association have teamed up to support a local man’s dreams of making the National Snowboard Team. The FBA will receive $4,000 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account for Faro Burgoyne to help offset some of the costs associated with his travels and international trials.
Public hearings
– Tuesday, January 24 —7 p.m. at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort—Birch Room for Bylaw 2353—Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900,1992—Amendment Bylaw No. 266, 2012 (Fairmont Hot Springs /Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Ltd.)
– Wednesday, January 25 —4 p.m. at RDEK Board Room, Cranbrook for Bylaw 2351—Rockyview Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2255, 2010—Amendment Bylaw No. 5, 2011 (Jim Smith /Campbell & Moreau) and Bylaw 2352—Cranbrook Rural Zoning Bylaw No. 1402, 2001—Amendment Bylaw No. 25, 2011 (Jim Smith / Campbell &Moreau)
Funding applications
Applications for the 2012/2013 Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs are now available at the RDEK’s Cranbrook and Columbia Valley Offices and online at www.rdek.bc.ca. Deadline to apply is Monday, February 20 at 4:30 p.m.
Next board meetings
Thursday February 2
Friday February 3 9 a.m.
Kootenay East Regional Hospital District meeting 11 a.m.
Courtesy Regional District of East Kootenay