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Home » RDEK opens follow-up waste / recycling survey

Posted: May 8, 2019

RDEK opens follow-up waste / recycling survey

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) has just released a second survey as part of its Solid Waste Management Plan Review, and is now encouraging the public to participate.

“We had over 3,200 people participate in our first survey and we would love to hear from them, and anyone who did not participate previously, as we seek additional information from the public on costs and potential future options for our solid waste and recycling service,” explained RDEK Environmental Services Manager Kevin Paterson.

“The more feedback we receive from the public, the more it will help inform the Advisory Committee and RDEK Board as part of this review process.”

Links to the survey are available on Hard copies are also available by contacting the RDEK office. The survey deadline is May 26.

“The first survey covered a wide range of topics. This survey is much shorter and intended to gather additional information in a few key areas. It will take less than two minutes for people to participate,” said Paterson.

Every resident and property owner in the East Kootenay – both in municipalities and in the rural areas – is being encouraged to participate.

“We are once again hoping to hear from every municipality and electoral area in the RDEK. Well-rounded feedback will help shape a well-rounded plan,” added Paterson.

The Solid Waste Management Plan provides the foundation for the way the RDEK deals with the region’s waste and recyclables and this current update will provide guiding principles for the next several years. The review process started in late 2018 and is expected to wrap up later this year.

The SWMP project page on includes the previous survey results, a summary of the recent waste audit, and copies of all the presentations and supporting documents being used by the Advisory Committee.

For more information on the Solid Waste Management Plan Review or to request a hard copy of the survey, contact the RDEK.

A direct link to the survey


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