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Home » RDEK supports Cranbrook Tourism Event Strategy

Posted: September 22, 2023

RDEK supports Cranbrook Tourism Event Strategy

Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors recently agreed to provide a $20,000 grant to Cranbrook Tourism for the development of a Cranbrook Tourism Event Strategy.

The grant is funded through the Electoral Area C Economic Development Service.

“Tourism is a substantial and growing economic sector in the Kootenays. Tourism has many economic benefits; it creates jobs, attracts investment, and diversifies the local economy. Tourism also attracts new residents, encourages community beautification, and fosters conservation of natural lands and local history,” said a report to the board by RDEK Chief Financial Officer Holly Ronnquist.

“Cranbrook Tourism commissioned the Cranbrook Tourism Masterplan in 2021, which was partially funded through a $5,000 grant from Area C Economic Development. A subsequent phase to the masterplan is the Cranbrook Event Strategy which will focus on developing the future of festivals, meetings and sport tourism in Cranbrook.

“The cost of the project is $180,000, with $160,000 of the funding secured. Recognizing that many Electoral Area C residents own businesses, work, and recreate within Cranbrook, and that the economic success of Cranbrook directly benefits Electoral Area C residents, Director Rob Gay would like to contribute $20,000 to Cranbrook Tourism through a grant from the Electoral Area C Economic Development Service.”

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