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Home » Resurfacing projects underway in region

Posted: May 16, 2023

Resurfacing projects underway in region

Work has begun in B.C.’s southern Interior to upgrade 485 kilometres of highways and side roads. Included in that is 70 km of work in the East Kootenay – from Canal Flats to Windermere and in the Wardner and Kimberley areas.

The biggest project is on Highway 93/95 from Canal Flats to Windermere (42 kilometres) – conventional resurfacing.

Also, the Wardner area and St. Mary’s Lake Road (28 kilometres) are getting graded aggregate sealcoat resurfacing.

Additionally in the West Kootenay, Highway 3A from Kootenay Lake Bridge to Balfour and area side roads (51 kilometres) will receive conventional resurfacing.

“Maintaining high-quality roads is critical to maintaining connections for people, especially people living in more remote areas,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “The improvements we’re making across the region are going to make travel safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.”

In 2023, approximately $120 million will be invested to resurface southern Interior highways and local roads, ensuring that drivers continue to have a safe and comfortable driving experience.

Lead image: St. Mary’s Lake Road. e-KNOW file photo


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