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Home » Rob Gay now RDEK’s longest serving board chair

Posted: November 10, 2020

Rob Gay now RDEK’s longest serving board chair

Electoral Area F Director and board Vice Chair Susan Clovechok

The annual election of Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Chair and Vice Chair was held Friday, Nov. 6 and Rob Gay has officially become the longest serving Chair in the RDEK’s history.

“It is an honour to have received the support of my fellow directors for 2021, in what will be my tenth year as Chair,” said Gay. The Electoral Area C Director has served on the board since 2005. Former Kimberley Mayor Jim Ogilvie was previously the longest serving Chair having served nine years in the role.

“We have accomplished a great deal over the past year, and have adopted our strategic priorities for the year to come. Once again, there is an ambitious work plan before us and I am looking forward to another dynamic year,” added Gay.

Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok was elected Vice Chair. This will be her first term and she says she is looking forward to the new challenge the role will provide.

“Since being elected as Area F Director, I have been focused on learning as much as I can; not only about being an effective director, but about the RDEK as a whole. The learning curve has been substantial and I’m eager to take on this new role as Vice Chair as it will continue to build our depth on the board and expand my experience and knowledge in support of our region.”

Gay was acclaimed and Clovechok was elected in a two-way race against District of Sparwood Mayor and former board chair David Wilks, who was also nominated for the position.

The elections are held annually by the RDEK Board.

Photos submitted


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