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SD5 Board Notes
The following is a summary of motions carried by the School District No. 5 (SD5) School Board of Trustees during the September 12 board meeting.
Motions Carried
That the board refers the Trades funding letter draft response to the September Finance Operations Committee meeting.
That the board writes a letter in response to the Minister of Education and Child Care’s letter of August 4, 2023 regarding educational resources for gender-based violence and that the letter also be addressed to Melanie Stewart, Assistant Deputy Minister, Learning and Education.
That the board writes a letter in response to the Minister of Education and Child Care’s letter of July 24, 2023 regarding neurodiversity training for educators, early childhood educators and educational assistants to the Honourable Selina Robinson, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills and cc to the Minister of Education and Child Care.
That the proposed changes with minor amendments to Policy 21, Public Interest Disclosures be accepted and approved by the Board of Education.
That the board writes a follow-up letter to the letter to Hon. Minister Singh and Carolyn Broady, BCSTA president, of June 19, 2023, inviting them to visit our district.
That the board writes a follow-up letter to the letter to Hon. Minister Singh and Carolyn Broady, BCSTA president, of June 19, 2023, inviting them to visit our District.
That the board accepts and approves the Audited Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 2023
That a special meeting be held on September 21, to approve and adopt the 2023/2024 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning document and to authorize the Superintendent to submit the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
That the board allows response letters originating as recommendations from committee to be included on the committee agenda, in addition to the board meeting agenda, so that the committee has the opportunity to recommend a response letter be written, by the board, in a more-timely manner