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Summer in the East Kootenay 2019
Summer 2019 in the East Kootenay was about as lovely as one can hope for nowadays.
We didn’t suffer from breathing weeks-upon-weeks of thick forest fire smoke or have to worry about fleeing our homes due to wildfire. It was a calm and reasonable summer; not too hot, not too cold
When the sky is clear and the backcountry accessible, it makes for endless opportunities to let shutters whir and click.
Add in the fact we scored a vehicle that allows us to access said backcountry and our photo collection ballooned this year!
The following areas/locales/things are featured in this collection of images: all ‘faxed’ up in Kimberley; our granddaughter Amara’s bunny trap; Aqisknuk; Windermere; Invermere; Bugaboo Provincial Park; Cartwright Lake; Cokato; Columbia Valley; Delphine Canyon; Dogleg Lake; Elk Lakes Road; Elkford; Elko; Lake Koocanusa; Fernie; Fisherville; Fort Steele Heritage Town; Gold Creek; Cranbrook; Elk Valley; Grave Prairie; Panorama Mountain Resort; Jumbo Valley/Toby Creek drainage; Kimberley; Toby Benches; Newgate; Radium Hot Springs; and Wilmer.
Lead image: Lake Koocanusa at Englishman Creek campground.
Photos by Ian Cobb and Carrie Schafer/e-KNOW