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The evolution of the RCMP uniform

The unmistakable, and internationally recognizable elements of the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP) uniform are steeped in rich Canadian history.
It’s been a symbol of national pride, integrity and steadfast service the members of the RCMP employ daily. Together, we’ll explore the history and evolution of the RCMP uniform, particularly how each element has been updated to adapt to the rapidly changing demands and culturally diverse landscape.
The RCMP was established in 1873, and was actually first named the Northwest Mounted Police (MWMP). It was established to maintain law and order mainly in the western territories. The uniform of the NWMP borrowed many features from British military traditions, including a white helmet. However, the NWMP uniform was designed to be practical to contend with the often-extreme temperatures of western Canada.
In winter, the NWMP wore a coat made from buffalo, a fur cap, mittens, and long wool stockings.
During the past 150 years, the RCMP’s uniform has undergone many enhancements. Each of these reflects the ever-changing roles and responsibilities the RCMP has taken on. One of those changes was a switch to the iconic Stetson, which was more suitable for Canadian weather. Similarly, blue trousers replaced breeches, which were more comfortable and easier to maintain. Each change maintained an overall grandeur, and highlights the RCMP’s commitment to adaptability and functionality.

The scarlet red colour became a standard for the RCMP’s uniform. It was a colour modelled after the red coats of the British military, and made it distinguishable from the blue colour of the US Army.
The colour red was a symbol of courage and strength. With the addition of gold buttons and royally inspired emblems, the red serge quickly became nationally recognizable, and a reflection of its historical roots.
The red serge is worn exclusively during special events and ceremonies. The red jacket immediately identifies a Mountie, and remains an international symbol of the RCMP and Canada for more than a century.

Apart from the red tunic, the Stetson hat is an equally defining element of the RCMP’s ceremonial uniform. It was introduced in the later half of the 19th century to provide practical protection from the harsh Canadian weather. It is made of felt and leather, and had a broad brim.
Another accessory, used to carry necessary equipment, was the Sam Browne belt, named after Sir Samuel J. Browne, a British Army general who invented it. We can’t forget the high-brown boots, whose shine comes from the meticulous maintenance of RCMP officers themselves.

The red serge, along with the accompanying Stetson and high-brown boots, are now reserved for formal occasions. Today’s day-to-day working uniform is practical, and conforms to the rigours of modern policing. It consists of a grey shirt, dark blue cargo pants, and versatile black boots. The uniform is designed to handle various roles an RCMP officer fulfills.
The RCMP will soon modernize the duty uniform even further, with field testing currently carried out on a new navy-blue shirt.
The modern uniform strives to be comfortable, professional, yet high-performing.

The RCMP’s uniform throughout the organization’s history has been more than just a set of clothes. With a rich history and iconic appearance, it’s been a symbol of national pride, and a commitment of those who wear it to maintain the right. The uniform has evolved to adapt to modern demands, but conserves respect for its rich history of serving Canadians.
We invite readers to share their own experiences or photographs with the RCMP’s uniform. Engage with us on social media as we celebrate 150 years of this enduring symbol of Canadian history and pride.
Lead image: The unmistakable, and internationally recognizable elements of the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP) uniform. Southeast District RCMP photos
Cpl. James Grandy
Southeast District RCMP