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Home » UBCM Executive expresses support for PHO

Posted: September 4, 2021

UBCM Executive expresses support for PHO

Letter to the Editor

The Executive of the Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) provided the following statement Sept. 3 in support of the Office of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO).

The COVID 19 pandemic poses a health risk to British Columbians that is unparalleled in the past century. Throughout the pandemic, Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), has provided advice and directives to British Columbians to protect our health and safety. When the advice and directives provided by the PHO have been followed, we have seen declining rates of infection, and reduced incidences of serious illness and death.

To date, the most effective means of limiting the spread of this deadly virus is through individuals getting vaccinated. The vast majority of British Columbians have recognized that doing so will reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, thereby making life safer for their family, their neighbours and themselves.

Starting Sept. 13, proof of vaccination will be required in B.C. for people attending certain social and recreational settings and events. This recognizes that those who have chosen not be vaccinated pose a health risk to others. The Executive of the UBCM supports the direction that has been provided by the PHO and urges residents in all B.C. communities to ensure that they are fully vaccinated.

In just over a week, local governments from across B.C. will gather virtually for the annual meeting of UBCM. We do because we respect the guidance the PHO continues to provide. We are also very glad that Dr. Bonnie Henry will be participating in our agenda once again this year.

The Executive also extends our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for healthcare workers and the extraordinary lengths to which they have gone in order to provide care for British Columbians over these many months.

The Executive of the Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) is comprised of Mayors, Councillors and Electoral Area Directors drawn from every region of B.C. and representing communities of all sizes. Every local government in British Columbia, along with eight First Nations communities, are members of UBCM. City of Fernie Mayor Ange Qualizza is currently third vice president of the UBCM board. Village of Radium Hot Springs Mayor Clara Reinhardt is Association of Kootenay-Boundary Local Government Representative and RDEK Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok is a Director-at-Large.

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