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USW Local 1-405 executive changes made
Local 1-405 rep Jeff Bromley has been elected into the United Steelworkers (USW) Wood Council Chair position and will be moving onto his new role from USW Local 1-405 beginning January 1.

Bromley (pictured above) assumes the position formerly held by Brother Bob Matters, former president of USW Local 1- 405, who was elected into the position in 2006. Matters announced his pending retirement this past summer.
“It’s been an honour and a privilege to serve our membership this past seven years with the Local Union,” said Bromley, who was Financial Secretary and Business Agent for the Local since 2012.
“When I was approached about running for the position of Wood Council, it was pretty humbling that the Presidents and members of the USW Wood Council indicated that they would support me in the position. The challenge of bargaining and representing the USW and those Wood Council Local Unions was very enticing. I was honoured to even be considered.
“I have some very big shoes to fill in succeeding Bob (Matters),” offered Bromley. “The work he and those that have come before him in representing the former IWA Locals with the USW Wood Council has been tremendous.”
A member of the former IWA and now USW since 1994, Bromley was an equipment operator at the Elko Sawmill from 1994-2012. Elected into his third term as Financial Secretary in 2018, he has served the Local Union as a Vice-President and Trustee from 2002-12. Jeff is also a graduate of the USW Leadership Development Program in Pittsburgh.
“I would like to thank Jeff for his hard work and dedication to the Local over the last six years,” said USW Local 1-405 President Doug Singer. “Especially the work he has done around communication. We look forward to working with Jeff in his new role and wish him great success.”
Former second Vice President Grant Farquhar from the City of Kimberley has been appointed into the Financial Secretary position for Local 1-405 and will serve the balance of the three-year term.
Farquhar has served the Local Union as Vice President and WCB Advocate for the past 10 years. He was also the President of USW Local 935 out of Kimberley that merged with Local 1-405 in 2006.
“We are very fortunate to have Grant with his wealth of knowledge and experience who has stepped in to the Financial Secretary’s role and representing all the non- forestry operations seamlessly,” added Singer.
The USW Wood Council Chair oversees the 10 former IWA – USW Wood Council Locals across Canada, with two based in Ontario; one each in Saskatchewan and Alberta and six locals in B.C. A Canadian National Office position, Bromley will be based out of the District 3 office in Burnaby.
The USW is a diverse International Union with over 860,000 members in many industries across North America and over 190,000 members across three Districts in Canada.
USW Local 1-405 based in Cranbrook is a diverse union representing over 1,200 workers in sawmills, pole plants, credit unions, insurance services, hotels, ski resorts and municipal workers in the East and West Kootenay.
USW Local 1-405