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Home » WildSafeBC notes unsecured attractants are illegal

Posted: June 3, 2020

WildSafeBC notes unsecured attractants are illegal

Kimberley and Cranbrook are currently receiving visits from black bears that are seeking easy food rewards in unsecured garbage containers.

It is vital they do not have access to unnatural foods so that they move on and your neighbourhood, as well as the bears, will be safer as a result. We wanted to alert you to this situation and encourage you and your neighbours to secure all attractants that may lead to conflict with these bears and other wildlife.

You should also be aware that it is an offence under the BC Wildlife Act to attract dangerous animals (bears, wolves, cougars and coyotes) with unsecured attractants.

The Wildlife Act states that:

(1) A person must not (a) intentionally feed or attempt to feed dangerous wildlife or, (b) provide, leave or place an attractant in, on or about any land or premises with the intent of attracting dangerous wildlife.

(2) A person must not leave or place an attractant in, on or about any land or premises where there are or where there are likely to be people, in a way the attractant could (a) attract dangerous wildlife to the land or premises and be accessible to dangerous wildlife.

Please use WildSafeBC’s Top 10 Ways to Help Wildlife in order to keep the community safe and the wildlife wild. For more information on reducing human-wildlife conflict visit, follow your local WildSafeBC Kimberley-Cranbrook or contact your local Community Coordinator, Danica Roussy.

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WildSafeBC Kimberley-Cranbrook

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