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Home » Area A pitching in for Elkford senior housing project

Posted: March 11, 2019

Area A pitching in for Elkford senior housing project

Area A Director Mike Sosnowski

The Elkford Housing Society’s (EHS) fundraising bid to develop the first senior housing project in the community received a $20,000 boost March 8.

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors approved a discretionary-grant-in-aid from the Electoral Area A account for the society, something that is “much-needed,” said District of Elkford Mayor and RDEK board director Dean McKerracher.

“This will open the door for the rest of the project,” he said, adding the district currently has no seniors’ facility.

“They (EHS) are starting a long process and we are happy to be a part of it,” said Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski.

McKerracher said the EHS is hoping to construct 20 units in the first step of the project, with a later aim of up to 30 or 40 units.

Mayor Dean McKerracher

Society members have been fundraising the past 18 months to be able to fund the design of a building, he told the board.

Also playing key roles in the development of a seniors’ housing complex is District of Elkford taxpayers are covering the cost of service hook-ups.

The initial stage will be an independent living facility, with 800 square foot units. Later stages of the project would include assisted living supports, McKerracher outlined.

“This will be a great facility,” he said.


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