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Home » Border runner snagged by Elk Valley RCMP

Posted: September 6, 2017

Border runner snagged by Elk Valley RCMP

On September 5, Elk Valley RCMP officers were notified by the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) from the Roosville Port of Entry that a U.S. citizen, associated to a grey van with Ohio licence plates, was deemed inadmissible to enter Canada.

The driver subsequently ran the border crossing, illegally entering Canada, which is an offence under section 11 of the Customs Act.

“One of our officers was positioned at Highway 3 and 93 in Elko, observed the suspect vehicle, and followed it eastbound toward Fernie, and notified the shift supervisor. The actions of the driver indicated there was continued motivation to remain in Canada rather than return to the United States. Due to the unknown intentions of the driver, officers conducted a high-risk traffic stop, and the driver was arrested under section 55(2) of the Immigration Refugee and Protection Act, (IRPA),” reported Cst. Joshua Elvin of Elk Valley RCMP.

As a result, the driver was transported back to the Roosville Port of Entry where he was turned over to CBSA Officers, fined $1,000, and sent back the United States. No criminal charges are being pursued.


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