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Home » Elk Valley leaders ask Teck to review some operations

Posted: March 23, 2020

Elk Valley leaders ask Teck to review some operations

The following letter was sent to Teck yesterday (March 22) in relation to the work camp in Elkford as well as the plant upgrade at Elkview. This letter was signed by the Mayors of Elkford, Fernie and Sparwood as well as the Electoral Area A Director for the Regional District of Kootenay (RDEK).

RE: Review of Elkford Work Camp and Elkview Plant

“Throughout the past week by authority of the Province of British Columbia invoking the Provincial Emergency Act all communities across British Columbia have closed most if not all public facilities. Neither Sparwood, Fernie or Elkford have declared a local state of emergency. “However, as this pandemic continues to spread, we will consider all options soon.

“In consultation with health service providers in the Elk Valley, we have concluded that the most significant danger of this pandemic reaching our doors is through transient travel that occurs daily in the Elk Valley.

“Local government recognizes the importance of Teck Resources to our valley; however, in this case the COVID-19 pandemic is far more important than any operational requirements that Teck Resources may have.

“The Elkford work camp is of significant concern to local government in the Elk Valley, especially Elkford and Sparwood. The transient nature of the work camp aids itself to a higher level of exposure to COVID-19.

“There are also hundreds of contractors currently working at the Elkview plant. Again, we recognize the importance of the upgrade needed at the Elkview plant, however the COVID-19 pandemic is one that takes precedence.

“We are therefore asking Teck Resources to review the Elkford work camp immediately and delay the upgrades to the Elkview Plant until such time as the Province of British Columbia rescinds all orders in relation to the COVID 19 virus.”

Lead image: The Elkford work camp seen from Highway 43 south of Elkford. e-KNOW file photo


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