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December 11, 2020
Elk Valley Physicians explain basics of latest data sharing
The Elk Valley Physicians (EVP) this morning released on social media a quick tutorial on how to navigate the BC Centre for Disease Controlâs (BCCDC) COVID-19 information dashboard.
âWell, we asked for more local and timely data, and we received it. The bccdc.ca website has updated numbers to give us a more local understanding of COVID numbers. It takes some time to go through it all. So here’s an attempt at explaining the basics,â the EVP begins.
The first step is to go to the BCCDCâs COVID-19 data page.
- Scroll down and choose what graphic to click on. The first graphic is a dashboard that can be filtered at top right corner to Interior Health data. This dashboard is updated daily Monday to Friday.
- The second link “BC Situation Report” is a detailed weekly report if you’re really craving data. Check out the graphs showing almost vertical rise in cases in the East Kootenay.
- Next the maps, all of which are updated weekly: First map is weekly cases by Health Service Delivery area (i.e. all of East Kootenay = Golden to Creston to Elkford to AB border/Montana border). You’ll see we’ve had 14 cases in the last seven days.
- Second map is more granular data: showing the LOCAL health area. Our area is called ‘Fernie’ and reflects Elkford-Sparwood-Fernie-Jaffray-South country. Updated weekly. This is a new map being released to public. The dates, however don’t line up with the Health service delivery area dates. We have 11 cases in Fernie area from Nov. 29-Dec. 5 (so this data is for the previous week).
- Third map is local health area and updated monthly showing cumulative cases since the beginning of the pandemic. To date, a total of 25 cases in Fernie area since beginning of pandemic.
âKeep doing all you can to prevent the spread of this tricky virus until we have vaccine available for all,â the EVP concluded.