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Posted: June 18, 2023

Elkford Childcare Centre and Community Hub opened

For families across Elk Valley, quality child care is challenging to secure, but access is particularly challenging in smaller, more rural communities like Elkford, where childcare facilities frequently don’t exist.

On Wednesday, June 14, this challenge was addressed in Elkford with the grand opening of the new Elkford Childcare Centre and Community Hub, now open and fully operational.

The new, three-room space, which will accommodate up to 28 children, was partially funded by $300,000 from Teck along with the provincial government’s Childcare BC New Spaces Fund as well as Columbia Basin Trust.

The new Elkford Childcare Centre was made possible with more than $1.1 million from the province’s New Spaces Fund. This funding paid for the former District of Elkford municipal office building to be extensively renovated and repurposed to create 30 licensed child care spaces.

“The Elkford Childcare Centre and Community Hub is a great example of how everyone benefits when we work together to deliver child care,” said Grace Lore, Minister of State for Child Care. “Access to affordable, quality child care is life-changing for families and good for our communities and local economies. Having a child care centre as part of the hub will also mean children feel connected to their community and will help bring people together.”

The centre will be operated by the Elkford Women’s Task Force Society. The society provides a number of programs to support families in the Elk Valley community, and will offer free programs, such as healthy-eating and car-seat clinics, to families attending the facility.

Kim Bauer, executive director, Elkford Women’s Task Force Society stated: “This community project brings 30 licensed child care spaces to Elkford and fulfils a great need for affordable, quality child care within our community. Parents in Elkford will be so relieved and we are so excited to welcome the children and their families.”

The facility will also operate a community hub that will support local small businesses that are owned and operated in the District of Elkford by providing space and funding to grow their enterprises.

District of Elkford Mayor Steve Fairbairn (pictured right) added: “This centre and hub are such an incredible asset for Elkford. This project is also an excellent example of repurposing assets and, more importantly, an example of how much can be accomplished when a few great organizations collectively strive toward a common goal. Thanks to the generosity and combined efforts of these organizations, Elkford will have stable and affordable child care in place for many years to come.”

“When the centre opened, I had a son who had just started kindergarten and another who was about to turn 18 months old,” said Jenn, mother of two children attending the Elkford Childcare Centre. “Without the new child care spots, I was facing the possibility of not being able to return to work. I’m so happy to now have consistent, quality care and both my kids look forward to their time at the centre with the new friends they’ve made.”

“By creating more child care spaces, this facility will be a very welcome addition in Elkford and Teck is proud to have contributed,” said Robin Sheremeta, senior vice-president, coal, Teck Resources Limited.

“As any parent knows, small children learn with their hands. Installing antimicrobial copper on high-touch surfaces will reduce the spread of bacteria and help keep the facility’s youngest users healthy and safe.”

“Having access to quality and affordable child care means parents can work, businesses can retain employees and communities can thrive, all of which we heard are important to basin residents,” said Johnny Strilaeff, president and CEO, Columbia Basin Trust. “These new spaces in the community hub will have a meaningful impact for families in Elkford. Congratulations to all the partners on completing this much-needed facility.”

The new facility will also feature antimicrobial copper fixtures that have been installed on high-touch surfaces like door and door handles, push bars, cabinet pulls and faucets to help protect the health and safety of children, staff, families, and visitors made possible through Teck’s Copper & Health program.

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