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Home » Elkford seeks volunteers for OCP committee

Posted: July 18, 2023

Elkford seeks volunteers for OCP committee

Want to make a difference in your community and help with shaping the future vision of Elkford? Here’s a chance.

The District of Elkford is embarking on an approximately 18-month journey to update its Official Community Plan (OCP).

The OCP is the long-term vision for the community that sets goals, objectives and policy guidance for future decision making. To support and guide this work, the District of Elkford is inviting community members to volunteer on an OCP Advisory Committee.

The committee will represent the community’s shared interest and provide input and direction to support district staff and consultants in shaping the draft goals, objectives, policies and implementation strategies for the OCP, the district explained.

The committee has a total of seven seats to be filled by the community members.

“We would like to include a broad spectrum of community interests in this group. Members are expected to attend meetings, public engagement events and contribute actively to the process. As this is an 18-month process, please only apply if you expect to be able to participate for the full duration of the project,” the district outlined.

Download the terms of reference and volunteer application forms from the district’s website.

The deadline to submit volunteer applications is July 31, at 3:30 p.m.

Volunteer applications, and the Terms of Reference, are also available at the District Office.


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