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Posted: May 10, 2017

Elkford trail application supported by RDEK

Elkford’s trail system may soon become more connected if a Crown land application is successful.

The Elkford Nordic Ski Club has filed a Crown land application to construct and maintain a 1.5 km long trail as a BC Recreation Site between Boivin Creek (pictured) and the base of Wapiti Ski Hill near the District of Elkford.

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors May 5 unanimously supported the application upon referral from the provincial government.

The Crown land application, pursuant to Section 57 of the Forest and Range Practices Act, is to designate the1.5 km long trail as a BC Recreation Site. (Only approximately 225 m of it is within the RDEK). The proposed trail will connect the existing Boivin Nordic ski trails to the base of the Wapiti Ski Hill.

District of Elkford Mayor Dean McKerracher thanked fellow board members for their support. “This will enhance what we are trying to do with the trail system in Elkford,” he said.


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