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Home » Jamie Robertson named Elkford’s Citizen of the Year

Posted: April 9, 2024

Jamie Robertson named Elkford’s Citizen of the Year

The District of Elkford is thrilled to announce the 2024 Citizen of the Year: Jamie Robertson!

A long-time local and mother of three, Robertson has one of the most recognizable faces in town thanks to her many years of dedicated volunteer work. Her current volunteer positions include president of the Elkford Curling Centre, vice chair of the Elkford Secondary School (ESS) Parent Advisory Council, Youth Action Network Commission member, Rock-a-Rama fundraiser committee member and volunteer for Wapiti Ski Club—but there have been many, many more.

“Jamie is one of the most selfless, kind-hearted people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing,” said one of her nominators. “She is always looking out for others and strives to give them recognition for what they do. Despite her commitment to volunteer work, she’s never been one to put herself in the limelight, and she deserves to be celebrated and recognized for all she does for her community.”

Robertson has called Elkford home for most of her life, and she loves its small-town vibes, scenic views, community spirit and its people. For these reasons, she and her husband, Brett, decided this would be the perfect place to raise their growing family. When asked what motivates her to volunteer, Robertson credits her family—since becoming a mother, she has lent her time to nearly every single sports team, club, association, fundraiser and school initiative that her kids have ever participated in.

“I volunteer mainly for my kids,” said Robertson. “Of course, I volunteer for other reasons too, but one of my biggest motivators is showing my children the importance of being involved in their community. I want them to understand that we don’t always need something in return for our hard work—that if we truly care about something or enjoy it, helping it succeed so that others can enjoy it too is payment enough!”

Unsurprisingly, many of Robertson’s volunteer roles focus on advocating for Elkford’s youth. As a member of the Youth Action Network Commission, she helps to generate action and opportunities for youth, and through her role on the Parent Advisory Committee at ESS, she takes part in promoting school-related activities and initiatives. Robertson has also coached girls’ volleyball at Rocky Mountain Elementary School (RMES) and is part of the committee for the ESS school fundraiser, Rock-a-Rama, in 2024. She recently became the president of the Elkford Curling Centre, as well, where she was previously a coach for junior curling.

“It’s no secret that Jamie helps out wherever and whenever she can,” added another of her nominators. “She volunteers so much of her time without asking for any recognition, and she’s gone the extra mile to help keep some of Elkford’s non-profits and clubs running when they were in danger of folding. She sees the good in everyone and is just such a positive person.”

“On behalf of the District of Elkford and our community, we thank Jamie for her outstanding contributions to our community,” said Elkford’s Mayor Steve Fairbairn. “Jamie has dedicated countless hours to the organizations, teams and clubs that make Elkford such a wonderful place to live, and she never stops advocating for others to do the same. She’s both an exemplary individual and citizen, and it’s truly an honour to congratulate her on being named the 2024 Citizen of the Year!”

Robertson says she feels blessed that so much is offered in Elkford for a town of its size—things like skating, skiing and snowboarding, curling, motorized and non-motorized trail networks, an exceptional public library and a beautiful golf course—and she recognizes that her family wouldn’t be able to enjoy all that they do if not for volunteers.

“Elkford has the most incredible network of passionate, caring volunteers,” she explained. “Our reasons for getting involved initially are all different, but nobody is in it for the recognition. Ultimately, we’re all volunteering because we love the groups that we’re supporting, we want them to succeed, and we want to ensure that these opportunities continue to exist for future generations. So if you’ve been thinking about getting involved, please do—there are so many ways for you to help!”

Please join us in congratulating Jamie Robertson! It’s people like her who make our community such a wonderful place to live, and it’s an honour to recognize a citizen so deserving of this award!

Lead image: Elkford’s 2024 Citizen of the Year with Mayor Steve Fairbairn. District of Elkford photo


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