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Posted: September 24, 2024

Separated hikers reunited after search near Elkford

On September 23 at approximately 6:30 p.m., Elk Valley Regional RCMP was dispatched to a report of a missing hiker to the east of the EVR Line Creek Mine approximately 20 km southeast of Elkford.

Initial reports were received from an InReach communication, where InReach reported two brothers had been hiking together and had gotten separated during the hike. Now the older brother, a 30-year-old Calgary resident, was reporting his 27-year-old brother as missing. Both were experienced hikers, in reported good health and were prepared to spend the night outdoors at specific locations along the Great Divide Trail.

Through EMCR, Elkford Search and Rescue was activated and set up a command post at the Line Creek Mine main gate. The older brother reported he had made contact with a hunter and he was helping him search to no avail. Later, the older brother was located by Elkford SAR and transported to the command post.

At the request of Elkford SAR, Alberta Southwest Regional Search and Rescue were activated to search from the Alberta side, as their next camping location was in that area.

In the early morning hours of September 24, Alberta SAR notified Elkford SAR that the missing brother was located safe and was camping at the planned location. Elkford SAR was preparing, with the assistance and permission of the EVR Line Creek Mine, to transport one brother to the other for their safety.

“This incident is a great example of prepared hikers having proper equipment and a continuous plan along a known route, that can still lead to an unexpected turn of events. We are extremely grateful to have well trained volunteers to assist in these situations.  Elk Valley RCMP would like to thank Elkford SAR, Alberta Southwest SAR and the EVR Line Creek Mine Operation for their assistance with this investigation,” stated S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen, Elk Valley RCMP Detachment commander.

e-KNOW file photo


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