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Home » ERA recruiting volunteers to collect trees and raise funds

Posted: October 4, 2024

ERA recruiting volunteers to collect trees and raise funds

The Elk River Alliance (ERA) is looking to the Elk Valley community to support its restoration and fundraising efforts this fall/winter. ERA works towards a healthy Elk River watershed through scientific monitoring, streamside restoration, and community outreach.

This fall they are recruiting volunteers to help with this important mission.

Help collect cottonwood livestakes

In the Elk Valley floodplain, about 50% of cottonwood forests have been removed for various land uses. ERA’s Cottonwood Restoration Program works to revegetate stream-side areas impacted by agriculture. This effort stabilizes streambanks against erosion, improves fish and wildlife habitat, and decreases the intensity of floods.

As part of this effort, ERA is asking community members to help collect 4,000 ‘livestakes’ (cuttings of cottonwood trees used for replanting).

This past spring, dedicated volunteers collected and planted 6000 native riparian plants. Throughout October, the ERA field team will be set up at the collection site outside of Fernie (see website below for specific dates and location), and will provide coffee, snacks, and lunch to volunteers.

Additionally, for every volunteer day, participants will be entered into a draw to win a Patagonia rain jacket.

Help run fundraising events

As a non-profit charity, ERA is running fundraising events to support water monitoring, restoration, and community outreach programs.

Events needing assistance include: a BBQ at Eldho’s Independent Grocer (Oct. 1), a Bottle Drive outside the Bottle Depot (Oct. 19), and helping to run concession stands at Fernie Ghostrider hockey games (Dec. 10, Dec. 14, and Jan. 18).

ERA hopes that in total, these efforts will raise $7,000 for operational costs and sustain ERA’s diverse projects and programs.

Learn more.

Elk River Alliance photo

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