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1st Avenue parking and traffic pattern to change
As part of its Downtown Parking Revitalization Project, the City of Fernie will be re-developing 1st Avenue between 4th Street and 6th Street to a one-way street to allow for the creation of additional parking in the downtown area.
By altering the traffic direction from two-way to one-way in the southbound direction, the city says it will be able to revise the current parking configuration on the east side to 45â° angled parking and add 16 additional parking spaces, including two accessible parking stalls. The existing parallel parking on the west side of the street will remain.
The street redevelopment work will be completed by BA Blacktop starting in early October, with completion expected at the end of the month.
During construction the contractor will keep one southbound driving lane open and parallel parking available on the west side of the street. Construction signage, traffic pattern change signage and barricades will be in place where required.
Permanent signage will follow the construction phase.
In 2020, over 1,000 Fernie residents and businesses were consulted through the âFernie 2nd Avenue Downtown Engagement Summary.â Key public concerns identified included the need for accessible parking for people with mobility challenges, and more parking availability downtown, the city pointed out.
This project is grant funded through the Canada Community Revitalization Fund from Pacific Economic Development Canada, and also includes paving and formalizing existing parking stalls and creating new stalls at the Railyard Dog Park and Skatepark.
Lead image: 1st Avenue between 4th Street and 6th St. proposed for one-way traffic. e-KNOW file photo