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Affordable Housing Strategy aligns with amended bylaw
By Erin Knutson
The City of Fernie motioned to receive the amendment and adoption of a Property Tax Exemption (PTE) bylaw for the 2023 taxation year after reviewing an application from Fernie Family Housing Society (FFHS) at the Monday (Sept. 26) council meeting.
Director of Finance Bryn Burditt presented an overview to council of Bylaw No. 2478, which allows for tax exemption from properties that support Fernie’s Affordable Housing Strategy and improve the quality of life for citizens.
“Fernie Family Housing Society is working on a project on 13th Street near the school which will hold 49 long-term unit rentals targeted to singles, seniors, and fixed income residents,” he said.
According to Burditt, FFHS is aligned with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and will help move the city toward its goals of offering residents affordable housing options.
“Upon review of this application, staff believes the goals of the FFHS are in alignment both with the OCP, which encourages non-profits, supportive housing groups, developers, senior levels of government and others to develop or facilitate the development of affordable housing,” said a Fernie staff report.
The 49-unit development would be exempt from paying a taxation fee of $46,000 in municipal taxes, a calculation derived from municipal values from the 2022 taxation year.
“That’s $80 per month per unit,” said Burditt.
Mayor and council supported the initial readings of the amended bylaw, which will be presented for adoption at the Oct. 11 council meeting.
“We have captured our contributions for all PTEs and summarized them on Let’s Talk Fernie. Should this get carried next meeting make sure it is reflected,” said Mayor Ange Qualizza.
Lead image: Plan of the proposed 13th Street housing project. From City of Fernie council agenda